Aberdeen Philatelic Society

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Welcome to Aberdeen Philatelic Society, Scotland

Our Society activities include:
  • Displays by Society members
  • Visits and displays, to and from other Societies
  • An opportunity to meet and discuss the hobby with fellow collectors
  • An exchange packet
  • Auction - A postal auction (to be held 21st March 2024).
Formal meetings of the Society take place on alternate Thursdays from September through to April. Informal Friday morning meetings start 15th Sept 2023. For the complete meeting schedule please look in the Meetings page.

Members interests are wide and varied in the philately arena. The breadth of our interests may be viewed from the Society page.

The annual subscription, which is payable in September for existing members, is currently £15.00, although this is reduced to £8.00 for those members living more than 20 miles from Aberdeen

Subscription fees are waived for existing members for the 2020-2021 season. If members wish to donate, this would be very much appreciated.
For further details of the Society and our activities please see the Society page, or click here.

Next Meeting:

See MEETINGS tab for Covid19 restrictions







September - Opening night